Technical White Paper

Real-World Sleep Assessments Using Wearable Technologies

Woman Sleeping Wearing ActiGraph LEAP™

How do you find proper care for participants with sleep disorders?

The first step to finding proper care for people living with sleep disorders is the accurate and reliable assessment of sleep patterns. Poor sleep patterns are linked to the progression of many different diseases, and, depending on the aspects of sleep that are of interest, different techniques can be used to study it. This white paper explores the use of wearable digital health technology to objectively assess sleep from the comfort of the participant’s home.

What You'll Learn

  • Advantages of digital measures, as compared to ground truth measures, for sleep assessments
  • Clinical insights made accessible through remote patient monitoring
  • State-of-the-art algorithms and data science techniques for assessing sleep

Pioneering the Digital Transformation of Clinical Research™

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Explore the use of wearable digital health technology and learn how to objectively assess sleep from the comfort of the participant’s home.